Reproductive Health
How Natural Cycles Works: A Nonhormonal, Natural Birth Control Alternative

How Natural Cycles Works: A Nonhormonal, Natural Birth Control Alternative

When it comes to birth control, many people are looking for alternatives to traditional hormonal methods.

Whether it’s the desire to avoid side effects, concerns about long-term health impacts, or simply wanting a more natural approach, nonhormonal options have grown in popularity.

One method gaining significant traction is Natural Cycles, an FDA-cleared, nonhormonal, and non-invasive way to manage fertility.

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to birth control, read on to discover how Natural Cycles can help you take control of your fertility—naturally.

What is Natural Cycles?

Natural Cycles is the first FDA-cleared birth control app, offering a hormone-free way to track your fertility and prevent pregnancy.

Unlike traditional contraceptives such as the pill, patch, or IUD, Natural Cycles is 100% non-invasive and relies on fertility awareness.

How does it work?

Natural Cycles uses Basal Body Temperature (BBT) to predict when you’re fertile. By measuring your temperature every morning and inputting the data into the app, Natural Cycles can accurately determine your fertile and non-fertile days, allowing you to make informed decisions about contraception.

Key Features of Natural Cycles:

  • FDA-cleared, making it the only app with this level of regulatory approval for birth control.
  • No hormones or invasive procedures involved.
  • Scientifically backed, with studies showing its effectiveness.
  • Supports women in both preventing pregnancy and planning conception.

By leveraging technology and science, Natural Cycles offers a modern, natural way to manage fertility without the drawbacks of hormonal contraceptives.

How Does Natural Cycles Work?

At the core of Natural Cycles is its ability to track your body’s basal body temperature (BBT), which rises slightly after ovulation. By measuring BBT daily and inputting the data into the app, Natural Cycles calculates your fertility window with precision.

Here’s how it works in three easy steps:

  1. Measure Your Basal Body Temperature: Each morning, before you get out of bed, you take your temperature with a basal thermometer, which is more sensitive than regular thermometers. The thermometer can detect the small changes in temperature that occur after ovulation.

  2. Enter Your Data: After taking your temperature, you enter it into the Natural Cycles app. The app’s algorithm analyzes the data alongside other factors, like your cycle length, to predict your fertility window.

  3. Receive Daily Fertility Status: Based on your data, the app tells you whether you are in a “fertile” or “non-fertile” phase. On fertile days (marked as red in the app), you’ll need to use protection or abstain from intercourse if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy. On non-fertile days (green), you’re free to engage in unprotected sex without the risk of pregnancy.

Additional Features:

    • The app takes into account factors like irregular cycles and lifestyle changes.
    • It’s possible to track other fertility indicators, like cervical mucus, for more accuracy.

Benefits of Natural Cycles

Many people are turning to Natural Cycles for its multiple benefits over traditional hormonal and invasive birth control methods. Here are some of the key reasons why Natural Cycles stands out:

  1. No Hormonal Side Effects: One of the biggest complaints about hormonal birth control (pills, patches, IUDs) is the side effects—weight gain, mood swings, and libido changes, to name a few. Natural Cycles eliminates these concerns as it involves no hormones.

  2. Non-Invasive: There are no devices, injections, or implants involved. All you need is a thermometer and your smartphone. This makes it a great option for people who prefer to avoid medical procedures.

  3. Scientifically Backed: Natural Cycles is FDA-cleared and has been rigorously studied. A study published in the journal Contraception showed that the app has a typical-use effectiveness rate of 93%, meaning that 7 out of 100 women may become pregnant over the course of a year of use. For perfect use, the effectiveness rate increases to 98%.

  4. Empowering: Natural Cycles allows users to take an active role in understanding their fertility. By learning about your body and tracking your cycle, you’re in control of your contraception, rather than relying on external methods.

  5. Environmental and Ethical: Natural Cycles has no environmental impact compared to other contraceptive methods, which often involve packaging waste or non-biodegradable devices.

Addressing Common Concerns

While Natural Cycles offers many benefits, you might have some questions or concerns. Let’s address the most common ones:

  1. How Effective is Natural Cycles?

    • With typical use, Natural Cycles is 93% effective. For those who use it perfectly (taking their temperature every day and following the app’s instructions precisely), the effectiveness rises to 98%.
  2. What If I Forget to Take My Temperature?

    • It’s important to take your temperature daily, but the app is designed to handle occasional missed days. The more data you provide, the more accurate your predictions will be.
  3. Is Natural Cycles Reliable for Irregular Periods?

    • Yes, Natural Cycles accounts for irregular cycles. However, it might take a little longer to predict your fertile days if your cycle is highly irregular.
  4. What About Safety?

    • Natural Cycles is FDA-cleared, which means it has been evaluated for safety and effectiveness. Unlike hormonal methods, it has no physical side effects.
  5. Can I Use It to Get Pregnant?

    • Absolutely! Natural Cycles also works as a fertility planning tool for those who are trying to conceive. The app helps track ovulation and fertile windows, making it easier to time intercourse for conception.

How to Get Started with Natural Cycles

Ready to give Natural Cycles a try? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Download the Natural Cycles App: The app is available for both iOS and Android devices.

  2. Purchase a Basal Thermometer: Natural Cycles requires a specific type of thermometer that measures to two decimal places. You can buy one directly from the Natural Cycles website or through other retailers.

  3. Set Up Your Profile: Once you’ve downloaded the app, input your personal details, including your cycle length, and begin tracking your basal body temperature each morning.

  4. Input Daily Data: Each day, log your temperature into the app. The more data you provide, the more accurate your fertility predictions will be.

  5. Follow the App’s Recommendations: On fertile days (red), use protection if you’re trying to prevent pregnancy. On non-fertile days (green), you can engage in unprotected sex without the risk of pregnancy.

Natural Cycles User Testimonials

The best way to understand how Natural Cycles works is to hear from real users. Here are a few stories from individuals who have successfully used the app:

  1. Sarah, 28: “I’ve been using Natural Cycles for a year now, and I love that I can finally be free from the side effects of the pill. It took a little while to get used to taking my temperature every day, but now it’s just part of my morning routine.”

  2. Emily, 35: “After having my second child, I knew I wanted a nonhormonal method of contraception. Natural Cycles has been great at helping me track my postpartum cycles and prevent pregnancy.”

  3. Maria, 30: “I was tired of the hormonal birth control rollercoaster. Natural Cycles gives me the control and confidence I need without all the side effects.”

Comparing Natural Cycles to Other Nonhormonal Options

While Natural Cycles offers a unique, tech-driven approach to birth control, it’s worth comparing it to other nonhormonal methods to see if it’s the right fit for you.

  1. Copper IUD:

    • Pros: Long-lasting (up to 10 years), highly effective.
    • Cons: Invasive procedure required, can cause heavier periods or cramping.
  2. Condoms:

    • Pros: No hormones, readily available, protects against STDs.
    • Cons: Must be used correctly every time, less effective in typical use compared to Natural Cycles.
  3. Withdrawal Method:

    • Pros: No hormones, no costs.
    • Cons: High failure rate, relies heavily on partner’s control.

Why Choose Natural Cycles? Natural Cycles is a convenient, effective alternative to these methods, offering control and flexibility without the need for invasive procedures or daily barriers to intimacy.

Conclusion: Take Control of Your Fertility, Naturally

Natural Cycles is changing the way people approach birth control.

By offering a natural, nonhormonal, and non-invasive method, it empowers users to take control of their fertility in a way that aligns with their bodies and lifestyles.

If you’re looking for a birth control option that’s free from side effects and fits seamlessly into your life, Natural Cycles might just be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Take control of your fertility naturally—download Natural Cycles and start your journey today.


*Medical Disclaimer

The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

It is not a substitute for professional medical guidance, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new method of birth control or if you have questions or concerns about your reproductive health.

Natural Cycles, like any form of birth control, may not be suitable for everyone.

Effectiveness rates vary based on individual use, and it’s important to follow the instructions provided by the app and your healthcare provider.

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